Lindsay's Guild of Adventurers Q&A

Q: What is the Guild of Adventurers?
A: The Guild is my street team, a collection of some of my biggest fans who volunteer their time to help spread the word about me and my stories.
Q: What do they do?
A: One of the biggest ways that Guild members help me is by sharing and commenting on my posts on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Other Guild members have also had a lot of success by sharing physical copies of books, writing reviews, moderating a fan page, or assisting with live author appearances.
Q: What do they get out of it?
A: While being a member of my Adventurers Guild is a voluntary position, there are some perks that come with membership. Each month, all guild members are invited to a live video hangout with me and their fellow guild members. There’s also a monthly online roleplay for those who are interested, as well as other goodies such as free ebooks, behind-the-scenes insights into how my works-in-progress are doing, and first look at concept artwork and book covers.
Q: How do I join?
A: To join the Guild you need to do just two things. First, you need to have read at least one of my books and written an honest review on Amazon. Second, you need to subscribe to my mailing list. Be sure to include a link to your Amazon review when you subscribe. If you’ve already subscribed to my mailing list and want to join the Guild, you can send your review link to with “Adventurers Guild Applicant” as the subject line. When you’re accepted into the Guild, you’ll be added to the Guild Facebook group as well as the Guild mailing list.
Q: I’m not interested in being in the Guild, but I’d still like to help. What can I do?
A: I have a Patreon account for those folks who would like to help with the many costs that come with being an independent author such as printing books, travel expenses for author appearances, and hiring professional cover artists. Those who pledge can also receive complimentary gifts such as free books and other goodies.
Q: What were those links again?