Friday, December 30, 2016

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

I’m sure every writer has made a well-intentioned resolution that in hindsight was overly ambitious. From getting an agent to publishing three books in a year, writers often create unrealistic expectations for themselves that usually result in disappointment and depression. I’d like to propose the following suggestions as alternative resolutions for any writer at any stage of their craft. Leave a comment below if you come up with any others.

10. I will stop obsessing over how many times I use the word “said” in a scene.

9. I will write five minutes more during each writing session.

8. When I dread my writing time, I will either change the story or write on something else.

7. I will disregard well-intentioned advice that doesn’t fit my situation or writing style.

6. I will do something fun in the name of research.

5. I will identify an insecurity I have in my craft and improve it.

4. I will find joy in the publication of other writers, not resentment.

3. I will create pages of my story, not just notes to myself of what my story will be.

2. I will write something that I will love.

1. I will practice my autograph, just in case.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Connie! I'm planning on using them myself. :)

  2. I can unashamedly say I have done number one before, hahaha!

    1. Good for you! I know the first time I practiced my autograph, I felt very silly. But after more than a dozen author events and book signings, I'm grateful I took the time to make my autograph legible, relatively good looking, and above all, easy to do.
