As you may know, I’ve been working on creating an online writing course that will feature some of my most popular workshops. While I have plenty of ideas of how to put the course together, I need as much feedback as possible to make sure I’m meeting the needs of my students. Please take a couple of minutes to answer these questions and let me know what you’d like to see in an online writing course. You can submit your answers via comment or private message on social media.
1. Would you prefer a weekly course or a block of days scheduled close together?
2. How long would you prefer a weekly course to last? One month? 10 weeks? A single workshop?
3. How many days would you want a block course to last?
4. Which of the following activities would you want in your writing course? (list all that apply)
a. A live, group video-chat featuring a workshop on the craft of writing.
b. Peer-critiques via Google Docs or a similar platform.
c. One-on-one chats with the instructor about your writing.
d. Scheduled time to write while online and live with a group of writers.
5. What times during the week would you prefer the live portions of the class to take place? Mornings? Evenings? Weekends?
6. How long would you want the video-chat workshop to last? Half-an-hour? An hour? More or less?
7. Is there anything else that you would specifically look for when deciding whether to take an online writing course?
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