Friday, July 22, 2016

Top Ten Easy Things to Check Off Your Daily To-do List

July is turning out to be an incredibly busy month for me, and I’m finding myself fantasizing about having a blank to-do list. With that in mind, here are ten very easy things we can all check off our daily to-do lists.

10. Get out of bed feet first.

9. Hold the correct end of the fork while eating.

8. Wear more than one article of clothing while driving.

7. Spell your name correctly on the first try.

6. Turn up the volume when a good song is playing.

5. Look at your phone at least once.

4. Say something funny (at least, YOU thought it was funny).

3. Open doors before going through them.

2. Have at least one idle thought an hour while awake.

1. Resolve to get something done tomorrow.


  1. Number 10 is hard to do on a Saturday morning.

    1. If you're struggling with getting all of these, start with the easiest ones, then work your way up. ;)
