Friday, March 11, 2016

Top Ten Lessons I’ve Learned from Playing Board Games

10. Dice rolling is not a skill.

9. If you’re arguing over what piece or color you’ll play as, it’s going to be a very long game night.

8. Don’t assume other people are cheating just because you don’t understand all of the rules.

7. Everyone helps when putting the game away.

6. If you bring a game to play, make sure you know how to play it.

5. You’re not allowed to hate a game just because you never win it.

4. If it’s a long game, use the time between turns to chat with the other players. Leave your phone in your pocket.

3. Don’t play with handicaps or head-starts unless you’re playing with a very young child.

2. When in doubt, play a cooperative game.

1. If you’re not going to win, play against yourself.


  1. Replies
    1. It's not an issue with shorter games. Learning games with friends can be a lot of fun. But if it's a major strategy game that takes 3-4 hours with experienced players, somebody should definitely read the rules beforehand.
