Monday, December 1, 2014

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Those of you who have been following the Keltin Moore Online Serial may be wondering when I’m
planning on posting the next episode. The honest truth is that the episode isn’t ready, but there’s more going on than just a missed deadline. I’m actually considering discontinuing the serial entirely as I evaluate which projects would be the best use of my limited time and energy in 2015.

To give you some background, I first started the Keltin Moore Online Serial roughly three years ago as an alternative to having an author blog. The goal of the serial was to establish a fan base that would generate buzz for me as an author and ultimately translate into more book sales. While this did happen to some extent, the truth is that the serial has become more of a burden than a benefit to me since the publication of The Beast Hunter. Also to my surprise, the overwhelming response from those that bought the book is that they would rather wait for the sequel than read a monthly, online serial. Combine that with the loss of readers from the serial’s first season to the second, and it seems I have been sent a clear message that my fans want more books, not episodes.

It’s not just the serial that I’m reconsidering either. I've experimented with a variety of article topics for this blog, including bonus content from my stories, the craft of writing, and even some personal musings and a video game review! While these weekly updates have been much easier to maintain than monthly serial episodes, I've received little feedback on any of these features. I know people are visiting the blog from all around the world, but so far they've been a fairly silent bunch. I've also had some issues finding an audience for my posts on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms. A few weeks ago I even conducted a short survey asking followers to vote on what sort of posts they most wanted to see, but after changing my content based on the survey results, I actually got less response than I was getting before!

The truth is, I don’t put content online for my own gratification. As an author juggling four books as well as a growing number of speaking engagements and writing coaching clients, I have more than enough to keep me busy and plenty of opportunities to express myself. My goal with all of my online activities has always been to engage with fans and spread the word about my books, workshops, and services as a writing coach. I have no desire to take time away from more productive activities to continue posting content that my fans aren't interested in enough to endorse to their friends.

With all this in mind, I've decided to give you, my readers and fans, the opportunity to let your voice be heard. I want to know not only what sort of online content you would want to see, but what sort of content you would be willing to like, share, and discuss in your own social media. Leave a comment below or on one of my author profiles at either Twitter or Facebook to let me know what you've enjoyed so far and what you want to see from me in the future. I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of these subjects:

The Keltin Moore Online Serial vs. more books

Which blog article subjects you've enjoyed the most or would like to see in the future

What sort of social media posts you would be most likely to like, share, or comment on

I’m dedicating all of December to this effort as I plan to divide my time between my family and my writing, as well as monitoring and responding to your comments. Thank you in advance for helping me to improve myself as an author as well as setting a few New Year’s resolutions for 2015.


  1. I'll be honest I am a fan of the online serial and look forward to the episodes every month but I do agree with the idea that I would like more books. The Beasthunter is one of my regular cycle of books that I now read and I enjoy it now as much as I did when I first read it. While I do enjoy the futhur adventures of Keltin reading the shorts just leave me hungering for more, the charecters are well developed and I enjoy what could be next. I understand the need to try and balance everything so if it comes down to it I would vote on the side of book over serial as long as the book would be something that would be soon to feed the need :-). As for what is on the blog I have enjoyed what is present and I like the idea of video game reviews. Also I am a big fan of trivia and what your writing process is.

    1. Hi Jerry! I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the serial so much, and It's wonderful to know that you're getting just as much from The Beast Hunter as you reread it. I also appreciate your honest feedback about the serial coming to a premature ending. I think I can safely say that if I didn't have to worry about posting an episode each month then the full novel version of Into The North would be finished that much sooner, not to mention other books I'm working on, including a sequel to Lost Under Two Moons. Thanks also for saying that you liked the idea of video game reviews, it was definitely a bit of an experiment for me. There are plenty of other reviewers out there of course, but I thought I might be able to add something new as an author and writing coach by analyzing the story-lines in games. Finally, thanks for letting me know that you like trivia so much as well as hearing about my writing process. If you see any good tidbits that I put up in the future, please be sure to like and comment on them so I know what your favorite subjects are!
